Nexus Point by Krista Pimpinella: A Gritty, Thrilling Time Travel Adventure

Nexus Point book cover

Book Blurb

Late in the twenty-third century, teams of Time Rangers boomerang through a nexus point into historical time periods to capture “time runners,” renegade time travelers who would endanger the future by changing the past. KAI SAWYER, son of one of the founders of the Time Rangers, is a Spawn, a genetically enhanced soldier, who has never known his rear admiral father’s love…only his ambition. And as Kai rises through the ranks to become the Time Rangers’ youngest commander ever, he must constantly prove himself to fend off perceptions, even from his own team, that nepotism is behind his meteoric rise. But when Kai and his team are sent to seventeenth-century France to capture a time runner altering the arc of medical advances, Kai finds his strengths used against him …and as he becomes increasingly aware, a pawn in a dark scheme.

Nexus Point by Krista Pimpinella

Author Krista Piminella

If you love time travel adventures, then pick up a copy Nexus Point by Krista Pimpinella. From 17th century France to the Titanic sinking, all the way to the late 22nd century, this sci-fi thriller will have you on the edge of your seat.

** Some spoilers below **

The novel follows Kai Sawyer, a genetically-modified human, aka Spawn, as he embraces his future and fights his way out from under his father’s control. Kai’s father, Rear Admiral John Sawyer, commands the Time Rangers, a special forces type of military team responsible for correcting historical events’ alterations. 

The admiral shows no emotions other than anger and pride towards his son, demanding the highest standards for a future for Kai he mysteriously hints at throughout the novel, like a ‘higher calling.’ Nexus Point starts with Kai and his best friend, Hawk, completing their cadet training at the Marshall Space Flight Center Academy. 

Upon graduation, the admiral thrusts Kai into the most elite team of Time Rangers, and Kai must prove himself worthy versus being a victim of nepotism. He proves himself rash but full of potential as his team slowly accepts him. The story picks up the pace from here, and readers find themselves transported from the 22nd century to April 14, 1912, aboard the Titanic.

Soon after, Kai transfers to another team, which includes an assignment to correct the JFK assassination. This assignment ends with Kai saving the day, motivating Kai’s father to promote Kai to a Commander, leading his own Time Ranger team.

At this stage of the book, the main antagonists present themselves, and the rawest, gritty scenes of the entire book take place. By then, I couldn’t put the book down.

We follow Kai and his new team, consisting of Hawk, Perry (a pseudo-father), and Santiago. Santiago initially despises Kai and makes for an easily hated character in the book, intentionally so. 

I won’t give any more spoilers for what comes next, but rest assured that you haven’t read anything this gritty since you picked up a Warren Ellis book. I loved it.

When you think the book couldn’t possibly pick up the drama and pace any further, the story looks at you and says, “hold my beer.” Strap into your seat and hold on for dear life because you are about to be taken on an emotionally grueling thrill ride.

Pick up a copy for yourself on Amazon!

2 thoughts on “Nexus Point by Krista Pimpinella: A Gritty, Thrilling Time Travel Adventure”

  1. I am totally with you!
    K. Pimpinella created a very complex novel, full of details and unexpected ideas. Adding to your review, I would like to say that there are nuances of humor as well and in between just beautiful written passages – she definitely knows her stuff!

    1. Hi E.C.! Thanks for your comment and you brought up a great point. There certainly are nuances of humor in Krista’s book which made it all the more enjoyable. I hope we get another book from her soon. Thanks for checking out my website and come back for more book, movie, and series reviews! -Seth

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