Vanya Hargreeves Actor Elliot Page Will Stay on Umbrella Academy Cast

Great news for all you fans of Netflix’s Umbrella Academy – actor Elliot Page confirmed he will remain as a cast member after coming out as trans and announcing his pronoun preference of he/they on a Twitter post yesterday. The actor wrote a heartfelt announcement to his fans and the entire world. Page committed to advocating for “all trans people who deal with harassment, self-loathing, abuse and the threat of violence every day.”

One number stood out in his announcement: 40

  • At least 40 transgender people were murdered in 2020 throughout the United States, as evidenced in this article.
  • 40% of trans adults report attempting suicide at least once in their life, according to Page. That number is likely as high as 51%, as reported in this 2015 transgender survey in the US.

We at I Heart Sci-Fi firmly support Elliot and the entire LGBQT+ community.

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